Fern Buszowski
Most of my life has been spent equipping and empowering others to grow, develop, and find hope. With two master’s degrees, one in ministry and leadership and the other in counselling, I uniquely weave concepts and practices from different fields to help others learn to cultivate sacred space for their souls.
Most of my career has involved giving back to my community through non-profit, educational, and charity settings. This combination of education and experience equips me to draw from the best of two worlds to provide holistic counselling and soul care for many individuals, groups, and couples seeking healing, wholeness, growth, and to live wholeheartedly.
Professionally, I have written and designed training programs and resources, Soul Care Companioning, Unstuck, and Sojourning, and peer-led programs to train leaders who wish to journey alongside those seeking healing and wholeness. I have spent time equipping and developing my own teams of volunteer lay-leaders to provide care and compassionate support in various settings. I’ve had provided coaching, team-building workshops, and coach training in international settings for charity-based leaders. These training programs have concentrated on enhancing team dynamics, communication, and collaboration in international settings and remote teams.
I spend my free time being grandma to five delightful grandchildren, writing, painting, connecting with family and friends, and spending time outdoors.
My husband and I live in the foothills of Alberta with our ginger colored mini–Australian labradoodle. We have 2 grown married daughters, 2 sons-in-law.The

Facing my own adversity makes me passionate about equipping and empowering others to grow, develop, and find hope.
When faced with unknown suffering, we often ask why?
Have you ever noticed how life never seems to turn out the way we plan?
When an adversity hits life, as we once knew it, can change instantly!
I faced my own recent adversity when I was diagnosed with oral cancer. Cancer doesn’t really run in our family … or so I thought. I was convinced I’d inherited the genes of my mother and grandmother who lived well into their 90’s – living healthy, active, vibrant lives – filled with joy. I expected that journey too!
I’ve lived a simple life, making meals from scratch – a self-professed “crunchy granola” type. Imagine my surprise when I was diagnosed with oral cancer–and I had none of the risk factors. I had no idea why or how I got it–I still don’t.
"I’ve learned that many are uncomfortable with the "C" word, even though a large percentage of our society either has dealings with it directly or indirectly. Either now or in the future ..."
Three amazing surgeons, surgical residents, and medical staff performed an 8-hour surgery to remove the tumor then reconstruct my tongue–followed by an eleven-day stay in hospital, and another 30 days of radiation treatment–all during the COVID pandemic in 2020. Then began the difficult journey to learn how to eat, chew, swallow, and speak with a partially reconstructed tongue and somehow find a new normal.
"We are designed to heal ... to be whole. God originally made us to be whole–that’s part of His story for us."
I had spent a good portion of my life trained and educated to work as a counselling therapist, spiritual director, and pastor of counseling and soul care. One might think I would know how to handle crises easily. After all that’s what I did … at least with others! But when suffering hits close to home, we are no different than anyone else. I encouraged others to be curious and ask questions in their journeys. But when I was faced with unexpected suffering, I kept forgetting.
"A blessing awaits for us as we persevere looking for answers that bring life and wholeness."
- Hidden before.
- Unfolding now.
- Revealed in full later.
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"We are designed to heal ... to be whole. God originally made us to be whole–that’s part of His story for us."
As I took necessary time for soul care, deeper longings surfaced spurring me on to think about ways to choose to live life well despite my circumstances. New purposes began to emerge. Deciding to wear my scars proudly I became a source of encouragement and now enjoy educating others about an oral cancer journey. It gave me new purpose as I recovered. Slowly a deeper peace and hope grew cultivating more growth and courage in me in new ways inviting me into a new adventure.
Come read more stories … from my heart to yours …
I hope you’ll enjoy reading stories of hope written by me and some of my guest writers about finding hope in the journey.