Yet there are days when we can see our gratitude diminishing. Maybe because we are struggling because we are holding on too tightly to a specific outcome, or worse yet we are trying to control it. When we do that we are putting our faith and hope in people, ideas, or things–things are not always reliable or consistent or even the best for us. Maybe we need reminding that the goal is not the important thing but the journey of transformation is what is important. Could our focus be on the goal rather than on the journey? Are we choosing comfort rather than transformation? Might we be putting our faith in our own outcomes rather than in God’s?
During the days when my attitude of gratitude wanes, I ask myself questions to help remember, reset, and refocus my expectations for the journey. They go something like this:
As we reflect, on questions like these and the answers they uncover, we get a better impression of where we are placing our focus. Another question that can help us reset is to take time to consider and ask God:
And ask God to help us to live with expectancy today and cultivate a heart filled with gratitude and step into the fullness of life that You want for us today.